This modern oak framed barn is part of a larger custom and self build collective scheme of 9 homes delivered in partnership between Border Oak and the landowner in a rural village on the border between Herefordshire and Shropshire.
Yarpole Barn has been announced as the winner in the 'Sprit of Self Build' category in the 2023 Homebuilding and Renovating Awards.
A fantastic achievement for Roxy!

Border Oak worked in partnership with the landowner over several years to create a unique edge of village scheme that enabled a mixture of self build, custom build and custom finish plots of varying sizes and designs. The houses are all based on a master palette of classic Border Oak materials and detail.
Border Oak designed, submitted and managed the planning application process on behalf of the landowner. Once detailed planning had been secured each plot was sold by Border Oak to customers wanting to build their own Border Oak home, with each contract designed to reflect the purchasers preference - self build, custom build, or custom finish. The landowners retained a plot for their own home and another for their daughter Roxy. Roxy is a talented young builder and has built a beautiful and contemporary two bedroom Border Oak barn for herself.
Border Oak provided Roxy with the Superstructure (oak frame, roof structure and encapsulation panels) and then Roxy undertook most of the remaining building work herself with help from others when needed. With a spacious open plan ground floor, including an impressive oak framed vaulted 'garden room' Roxy has also incorporated a home gym (that could become another bedroom). The home is heated by an Air Source Heat Pump, is super insulated, virtually airtight and solar designed and with a simple palette of sustainable natural materials - oak, timber weatherboard and slate.
The finished home is a testament to Roxy's effort and skill and shows her keen eye for detail and a high quality finish. It is an exemplary first home that is both beautiful and affordable but also light, bright, sustainable and adaptable.

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